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Poesy, Prosody, Essays and Critique

Month: July 2024

  • The Dunciad—Part 4: Book I—verses 46, 47

    Verse 46: 45  In clouded Majesty here Dulness Shone;46  Four guardian Virtues, round, support her throne. What we will find with general analysis is that one of the verses of a couplet will be iambic pentameter, and the other will have a minor variation. In his instance, the first verse is of the expected iambicity.…

  • Review of “To Look Upon Eurydice”

    A Collection of Poemsby Kenneth Daniel Wisseman The Book Proper: One of the first things you notice about this book by casually flipping through the pages is the quality of the book itself. The paper is smooth and the text stands out well and is not small or difficult to read. Original artwork makes its…

  • The Dunciad—Part 3: Book I—verses 20, 37

    Verse 20: 19  O Thou! whatever title please thine ear,20  Dean, Drapier, Bickerstaff, or Gulliver! The first verse is what we call typical in that it is the normal iambic pentameter verse:    19  Ŏ Thōu! | whătēv | ĕr tī | tlĕ plēase | thĭne ēar A wonderful verse with the alignment of both metrical…

  • An Essay on Criticism

    Introduction ( or What This is Not) This analysis is not exactly a critique, but in some ways it may well be. One would be daring to criticize a master such as Pope. However, this is about analyzing the metrical variations that Pope has employed in his work. In some instances, the verses do not…