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Poesy, Prosody, Essays and Critique

Author: Ferrick

  • On T. S. Eliot’s “Shelley and Keats”

    This lecture by T. S. Eliot was delivered at Harvard University, February 17, 1933 I am a great admirer of Mr. Eliot’s work (Eliot from now on), both poetry, prose and critical essays. Albeit I do not find the enthusiasm for Wordsworth as he does, or at least to me appears to have, I hold…

  • 1953 Corona Standard Typewriter

    When writing my essays or analyses, I do not draft them on a computer, that process is for later when or if I decide to post the article here. My metrical analyses are always hand written due to the use of the breve and macron. For my initial drafts this process is a lot faster…

  • Shelley’s “Ozymandias”

    Ozymandias I met a traveller from an antique landWho said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stoneStand in the desart … Near them, on the sand,Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,Tell that its sculptor well those passions readWhich yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,The hand…

  • The Dos and Don’ts when using Heroic Couplets

    Heroic couplets have been a useful and successful vehicle in formal poetry. They have a uniqueness to them that is pleasing in both a visual and audible sense. The heroic couplet became popular from the influence of the likes of Dryden and Pope. The Heroic Couplet defined: The last point is almost forgotten today, and…

  • The Poet’s Voice

    Ferrick Gray How many times have I said this? Ha! Be yourself, and do not try to be someone else. I mention this in my essay Charging Poetry with Meaning, but I will elaborate further in what follows. There are many people who would like to write poetry. Unfortunately, there are far too many who…

  • What’s this Thing called Meter?

    Ferrick Gray Meter — Something modern poets try to avoid. Music for Composition When we talk of meter in accentual-syllabic verse, it is not something that should be obvious. If it is obvious, then your work will be of little interest. After listening to over-emphasized syllables, it will become dull and boring. When you read…

  • Charging Poetry with Meaning

    With a few words from Ezra Pound Ways to Group Poetry How would you group different styles of poetry? It seems that there are a whole host of ways of doing this. As we may suspect, as many ways as there are individuals. There will be three types of poetry, regardless of your method. Sure,…

  • An Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot

    Being the Prologue to the SatiresVersion by the University Tutorial Press Ltd, Foxton 1950 What This Is and Is Not. In a similar fashion to other analyses, this review will only consider metrical variations in the verses. However, the common substitution of a trochee for an iamb at the start of a verse will not…

  • The Dunciad—Part 4: Book I—verses 46, 47

    Verse 46: 45  In clouded Majesty here Dulness Shone;46  Four guardian Virtues, round, support her throne. What we will find with general analysis is that one of the verses of a couplet will be iambic pentameter, and the other will have a minor variation. In his instance, the first verse is of the expected iambicity.…

  • Review of “To Look Upon Eurydice”

    A Collection of Poemsby Kenneth Daniel Wisseman The Book Proper: One of the first things you notice about this book by casually flipping through the pages is the quality of the book itself. The paper is smooth and the text stands out well and is not small or difficult to read. Original artwork makes its…